For long term benefit, it's worth investigating & addressing underlying structural issues. Along with the more immediate benefits of reducing pain & inflammation.
If someone has Bursitis I’ll release the pressure around the inflamed area & importantly I’ll also address underlying structural issues that might be contributing to the Bursitis.
I use gentle targeted movements & techniques to release restricted areas. By taking pressure & tension off the surrounding bones, muscles & tendons, the flow of the special white blood cells (macrophages - the bodies natural mechanism to clear inflammation) is increased which helps clear inflammation. I also address underlying structural issues that might be contributing to the Bursitis. The bones involved might be in odd positions & pulled out of alignment. I’ll make pain free adjustments to help the body settle into a better situation. Bursitis is the inflammation of a Bursa. A Bursa is a sac filled with fluid, designed to keep two structures from being in direct contact with each other. A good example is two bones in a joint eg. the hips. A Bursa is developed by the body to completely separate the bones. It also facilitates gliding action of the bones enabling them to slide over each other without causing friction and wear & tear. Sometimes the Bursa gets inflamed and this is called Bursitis. This can be caused by injury, repetitive movement or postural positions that put extra pressure on the Bursa. In the case of injury sometimes one or more bones in the joint have stopped moving (the bodies way of protecting itself) The aim is to restore functional movement so that people can do the things they love to do. In the case of structural issues, the bones involved might be in odd positions & pulled out of alignment. In treatments I'll use gentle techniques to help restore a healthy muscular skeletal structure so the body can settle into its best situation. If you can think of someone who has Bursitis and might find this helpful please share this link. In the meantime may we find the best version of ourselves and our bodies! Fiona Munro The Healing Switch
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Fiona Munro
Director at The Healing Switch. Fully qualified Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner, Ka Huna masseuse and Yoga Teacher. She is registered with Ortho-Bionomy Australia Ltd and a Board Director on the OBA Ltd Board of Directors. Archives
September 2018